

state:in the series
update:(2024-11-01 10:40:50)

The old Chinese medicine doctor smiled and replied, "In my experience, it should be about 80% to 90%. After three months, we can be 100% sure. The baby is still too young now.",After doing it many times, Xiao Youyou would say in a rather unprincipled way, "Sister is making fun of her younger brother!",The other people in the house also pamper Xiaoxixia, like Youyou and Haohuo, just like her father. They are very indulgent towards Xiaoxixia. Whenever Xiaoxixia wants something, they will give it to her. This little girl can be particularly amusing at times. She thinks that if adults don't stare at her, they are not looking at her, so she foolishly hides things and giggles to herself, her big eyes twinkling with delight. It's very endearing. But in fact, all her actions are within the adults' peripheral vision.。

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